Tuesday 1 March 2011

Verification and Validation

Verification - This term emphisised the authenticity of a piece, and this is verififed by being checked over and over again, this procedure is called double entry.

Validation - This term means to find the truth by testing it. For example they use the expirmement to find if there any blanks, to ensure everything is correct, this process is refered to as precencese testing. Validations also ensures that things are legal.

Tuesday 1 February 2011


Ethics are the moral grounds and comply to all area of matters. Linking in to the coursework, where i have a website that contains music.
  • The public is open to the peronal opinions of Artists, who can cause contrevarsy and challenge the ethics of the public. Artist such as Eminem has caused contreversy and upset due to explicity in his lyrics, by removing contreversial artists from the main page, you will be able to help limit ethic problems.
  • Probem with ethics amongts the internet is sites such as Wikileaks because they cause contrevery amongst the goverment because of leaked information, this has caused moral dielma regarding ethics

Monday 31 January 2011


problems occurs frequently and have to have a solution. The website im creating will be the solution to the problem that im not selling enough at store and have chosen to broaden and expanaded to the internet, as that is a solution that will help me sell more and advertise the products.

  • problem that may occurs is lack of stock inside the store, this can can be resolved by then having all products displayed on the internet.
  • The location of the store might not be suitable to customers who live a far distance, the soloution of the internet lets people view this from afar with the comfort from their own home.
  • Another problem is the security with the internet, people giving out thier details, a solution to this is the use of username and password, seuring the securtiy of personal detail.
  • The user interface can be a problem, but this will be solved with a simple easy way to acess and exit pages, and a simple; unique layout, helping with purchasing and such
  • An online stock detail will help aswell because it allows people to know an estimate of how long it will take to order.

Monday 24 January 2011

Health and Safety

Health and safety in the working enviromoent is important and the rules have to be implemented to ensure health and safety in a working enviroment with computing and IT included.

The following is a guide to ensure good posture and positioning when using a computer.
1.   Adjsut seat height so upper arms hang vertically, elbows bent 90 degrees.
2.   Position monitor 20-24 inches away for the eyes.
3.   Hold wrists in neutral position, not bending upwards or downwards.
4.   Adjust monitor height so top of screen is 5 -15 degrees below horizontal line of sight.
5.   Use a document holder next to the screen, rather than laying papers flat.
6.   Use a footrest if necessary, to adjust for height.
8.   Adjust backrest to support the small of the back.

Below every standard keyboard there is an adjustment to help angle the keyboard to a suitable angle.
9.   Hands and wrist should be in line with the forearms.
10. The mouse should be places so that the arm is straight and in a reasonable distance, include all necessary movement that will be done.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

/ICT lesson 19/10/2010

Peer- to - peer
Computing or neworking is a distributeed application architeture tjat partions tasks or work loads between peers.

Client Server networking
Is a distributed application structure that partions tasks or workloads.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Different types of Processing 5.10.2010

Today in James Fell lessons we learnt abut different type of processing. There are three different types of proccesing; Batch processing, Transatction processing and interactive processing.

Batch Processing
This occurs over a certain period of time, for example the pay roll. This happends monthly, however, during the month, information is recored, the hours you worked, your pay etc. and is processed at the end of the month.

Transaction Processing
This happends right there and then. For example, when booking for a ticket to the cinema you decide what you want to see adn then pay there and then and recive the ticket.

Interactive processing
interactive processing is the interactiong between human and computer i.e saving a file; the humand commands and the computer process it.