Tuesday 19 October 2010

/ICT lesson 19/10/2010

Peer- to - peer
Computing or neworking is a distributeed application architeture tjat partions tasks or work loads between peers.

Client Server networking
Is a distributed application structure that partions tasks or workloads.

Tuesday 5 October 2010

Different types of Processing 5.10.2010

Today in James Fell lessons we learnt abut different type of processing. There are three different types of proccesing; Batch processing, Transatction processing and interactive processing.

Batch Processing
This occurs over a certain period of time, for example the pay roll. This happends monthly, however, during the month, information is recored, the hours you worked, your pay etc. and is processed at the end of the month.

Transaction Processing
This happends right there and then. For example, when booking for a ticket to the cinema you decide what you want to see adn then pay there and then and recive the ticket.

Interactive processing
interactive processing is the interactiong between human and computer i.e saving a file; the humand commands and the computer process it.